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Match Made in Heaven: Indian Food and German Wine

Forgive me; we had this wine club eons ago and I've just been such a busy bee I forgot to post about it! We're still on our neverending quest to better understand how best to glug our wine and in that effort, we decided to experiment with pairings for spicy Indian food. Can you guess what works incredibly well? Sweet, sweet German wines! 

Here's a sampling of what we tried:

I brought Clean Slate Riesling, a sweet peachy wine that perfectly balanced with the spices in our Indian dishes.

Our hostess Erica picked up a delicious array of Indian dishes from Saffron, including samosas, tandoori chicken, lamb tikka masala, chutney and much more! Everything was tasty, most especially the lamb!

These little honey buns were a great counteracting agent against the spice, too!

We finished the night with Corazon Gewurztraminer, which was my favorite match. So crisp and clean with the hot dishes! 

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