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Precious Mom " Gabby Wants To Lose Weight"

Maybe the pressure of Hollywood is finally getting to Gabby or maybe she just looked in the mirror and her health is staring her back in the face?  Gabourey Sidibe’s mom Alice Tan Ridley told RadarOnline that her Oscar nominated daughter would like to lose some weight.

“The truth is Gabourey would like to lose some weight but the reality is that she would not have gotten the role of Precious if she had not been heavy," Ridley said. “As her mom I would like to see my daughter healthy but if she didn’t lose weight that’s not a problem either – it runs in our family."
In fact, they "have relatives that are 80-years-old who are too heavy" so "it works in different ways for different folks."

Let's face it both mom and daughter can lose a couple of pounds. Regardless of whether her daughter loses weight or not, Ridley has full faith Gabourey will continue thriving as an actress.

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