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Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

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Happy Monday after Thanksgiving. I feel like I'm still full. I cooked everything but the turkey, but honestly, it was like I cooked for 40 haha. Then there's Friday--I don't ever go out for morning shopping. I usually go out around 1pm and find they have the same deals that people did at 4am, so yea. Anyway, I feel like it's officially holiday season so I'll have a bunch of holiday collections. Let's start with Zoya Jubilee!
Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Leigh: 2 coats. Let's start with the lightest and most neutral color. I love colors like this for nail art. I think this one will look better on someone with less yellow undertones. I think it really pulled out my yellow. But imagine this with Astrid (gold) tips? So it'll get used!

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Maxine: 2 coats. Even though I have a billion red polishes, something about this one is really nice. It's a balanced red. Not too dark, not to bright. I think it will look pretty on most skin tones.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Carson: 2 coats. I can't decide which of the neutrals I like more. This one might be a tad more flattering on my skin tone, but I normally don't care. I wear what I want! This one is a pinky beige and I think that's what works with me. Great coverage for a color like this.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Taryn: 2 coats. This is one of those fuchsia colors with blue shimmers. It's been seen a million times and it's sort of 90s to me haha. If I didn't own 40 of these already, I would be down. I guess it's a nice sparkly shimmer for the holidays.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Chiara: 2 coats. This is a nice purple-toned creme. I feel like the blue undertones will show depending on your skintone. It's sort of in between on me. Another rich formula.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Allison: 2 coats. There can't be a winter collection without a deep pink color and so that's what Allison is for! It's a plum pink and nice and deep for the winter.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Kateri: 2 coats. I do love these types of browns. Zoya calls this a midnight brown--what a perfect description. I think this will stamp because of the coverage. I will mention that I feel like lately, Zoyas formulas have been so rich lately, that most will stamp!

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Danica: 2 coats. This is a full coverage deepened teal creme. It's so rich. I definitely think it will stamp. Also be careful with removal. I wore it for a very short time and had stains on my nails and cuticles. Definitely double up on base coat.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Astrid: 3 coats. This is very much my favorite of the collection. Gold polish is a favorite of mine and I'm glad to see Zoya give me another one. They call it a liquid gold foil and they are right. It's like 24 Karat on my nails. Two coats will be sufficient on shorter nails. I really love this finish.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Cookie: 2 coats, dried down for a few minutes. YAY PIXIES. I'll admit, when textured polishes first came out, I needed all of them. Seriously. Just look at my blog in 2012 haha. SO many textures. I hate to say I haven't really reached for them in a looong time and this was a nice reminder that I need to. This is my favorite of the two. I think the addition of gold flakes makes this really lovely.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Juniper: 2 coats. This is the second Pixie Dust polish of the collection. It's a teal but there's a bit of purple and emerald shimmer. I didn't experience any staining, so that's nice. I think this is really pretty for the holidays.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Leopard Spots: 1 coat over Cookie and Juniper. So let's call this what it is: shatter/crackle. I can remember in 2011, calling a local salon at college asking if they had it and once they got it, my roommate and I immediately drove over and bought the only 2! But this one is meant for texture polishes. I put one coat over the two Pixie Dusts in the collection and let it do its job.

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

Zoya Holiday 2018: Julibee Swatches and Review

I feel like Zoya finally listened to me (lol, or ALL of us) and finally offered some variety. I was so tired of full collections of pinks, purples, and reds. Astrid is my absolute standout favorite, and I'm hoping they give us a full collection in that finish! I also liked Carson and Cookie.

Zoya: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram. Zoya is *BIG10 FREE

Products in the post were provided for honest review.

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