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The twelve year old make-up artist battling cancer who makes incredible videos

This is so incredible but has anyone else been watching the make-up video tutorials from Talia Joy Castellano?

The videos are incredible for several reasons - she's 12 and she has been battling cancer since 2007. She uses make-up in the place of a wig to give herself confidence. She's incredible. I have been working in make-up for a long while now and this girl - at twelve - has more talent then I do. It's insane!

She also has an incredible maturity for her age as well. She posts about her struggle with cancer on her blog. She recently announced that doctors have discovered two forms of cancer in her body and she spoke about the choices she has to make in terms of the treatment :

“I’m going to decide whether or not I want to do the bone marrow transplant, or whether or not I just don’t do it and live the time I have remaining. This is not fair to me anymore. I’m only 13. I shouldn’t have to be doing this…it’s really not fair for kids to have cancer. It really frickin sucks. … I’ve gotten so many benefits from [cancer]. Having a YouTube channel, having to inspire people and having people look up to me…I adore, I love makeup, using it as my wig…it’s amazing…the journey of having cancer was amazing. But every journey has an end. I hope you guys understand what I’m saying, and understand where I’m coming from.”

Give her tutorials a watch - they are seriously good

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