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Kitty Brucknell sports unflattering hair piece as she clings onto her 15 minutes

Kitty Brucknell may fancy herself as Lady Gaga's new best friend, but Kitty Brucknell should perhaps draw the line at emulating her style.

Last night, the kooky X Factor singer rocked up to The Box in fancy dress attire, channelling her inner flapper - complete with blonde beehive.

Dressed head-to-toe in black, the former Britney Spears impersonator opted for an oversized androgynous blazer and tassled knee-length skirt.

Fashion faux pas: Kitty Brucknell attempts to channel Lady Gaga with fake hair

15 minutes of fame: Kitty is clinging onto her moment in the spotlight

Here comes trouble! Dirty Pretty Things star Jay Camilleri appears to have a confrontation with a passer-by

Wining and dining: X Factor reject Kitty Brucknell leaving Nobu Berkeley with her boyfriend, banker Derek Gorman last night

My man: Derek came out of the woodwork last month, despite Kitty never having mentioned she had a boyfriend before

Flowers for my sweetheart: Derek presents the former Britney Spears impersonator with a massive bunch of red roses

Still milking the spotlight: The fame-hungry singer wore a tight black dress with a fluffy jacket and skin-coloured tights

Date night: Despite the public display of affection, Derek revealed last month the couple had not had sex which is in stark contrast to Kitty's raunchy persona

Home to separate beds? The couple leave in a taxi

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