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Five on Friday - November 23, 2018

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a great week - mine has been great! 


We just got all decorated for Christmas last night!!! It was so much fun - although, a little crazier with a toddler in the midst! I absolutely love Christmas, so we had Bing Crosby Christmas tunes playing for hours while we got set up! Ah...


This week's mail included my November Ipsy bag - I was actually going to cancel Ipsy; but, they offered to send me a free bag, so I don't turn down free! (I've cancelled now after this month). 

If you don't know much about Ipsy, it is $10 US a month + $5 shipping to Canada. You get 5 deluxe samples or full sized products with a little makeup bag. The 5 products I got this month are:

  • Skyn Iceland Brightening Eye Secure (deluxe sample)
  • The Balm Cosmetics Nude Beach Eyeshadow in Brave (full size)
  • Pistache Skincare Whipped Pistachio Body Butter (deluxe sample)
  • Ciate London Translucent Setting Powder (mini size)
  • Doucce Punk Volumizer Mascara (deluxe sample)

Overall, this bag was fine - I will use everything in it; but, nothing is really standing out to me as amazing. I'm actually glad my Ipsy bags haven't been amazing because I was actually just thinking about subscribing for a year now that I'm not getting Boxycharm; but, I'm not convinced Ipsy is the way to go. I just love getting a little surprise in the mail! 


I know I always say this; but, where does the time go?! I just can't believe Elliott is 19 months old - it's crazy, we are now counting our way to 2! He is a busy little boy; but, I'm loving most minutes of it! 

Today is Black Friday - I used to be crazy about Black Friday shopping; but, honestly, no deals really popped out at me today. Things I wanted on Amazon were more expensive today than 3 days ago and I really wanted to not buy for myself this year, so I really avoided shopping! The only we got today was a better cable and internet package! 


And, in very exciting news, the Storybook Cosmetics Book Club subscription has finally started shipping! I signed up for this back in May and have been patiently waiting! You bet I will review this when it arrives! 

Whew, I was cutting this one close with NaBloPoMo; but, I got it up today! I'm not going to lie, it's been hard to post every day but I've gotta do it! I hope you all have a great weekend - it's cold and snowy in Calgary so I will be keeping it pretty low-key this weekend! 

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