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It's hot and it's cold - Dance Legend Thermo Shine 182

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[Dance Legend Thermo Shine 182]
This is 182 from Dance Legend's Thermo Shine collection. Why no name, Dance Legend? :O

Anyway, I love it! 182 is a gorgeous mid-pink (warm) to purple (cold) colour shift with pink-ish hex glitter. Unlike many thermal polishes, I think this one shifts colours quite easily.

However, the colour difference will only be as obvious as they are in these photos if you have longer nails than what I had here. The colours you see above are from when I just washed my hands. But when I was in the office where it was a tad colder, my index finger which has a longer nail, was distinctly tipped purple. I can't wait to try the polish again now that I've grown my nails out again!

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