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A Few More Words About Fred's Wife

Today my co-blogger Libby got a lot of interest in her post "Fred Thompson's trophy wife-asset or liability? I encourage you to read it and follow the links and read the comments. Pretty interesting reactions to this question.

I have commented about this in a couple of places just based upon the total insipidity of the other comments, but I'm not done. Since I have this forum, I'm going to use it. Back to the question, is she an asset or a liability?

To be honest with you, I don't really give a big damn. I haven't googled her, I haven't read anything about her and I've only seen one picture of her. It looked like a full makeup shot from a broadway production of Beauty and the Beast. Son of a bitch! He is one ugly bastard. But I might add that she's hot. To paraphrase the movie "Wayne's World", if she was running for president she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln. No doubt.

I just want to say this, she is his wife. Whatever anyone thinks about him, it doesn't apply to her. I hope she's smart and well read. God I hope she's not a librarian. I'm so tired of hearing what was happening in some Texas library 35 years ago.

I hope she loves and comforts him in his run for president. I hope she's comforting at night so that he can keep some semblance of a smile on his ugly mug.

I hope she doesn't mind riding around in that old red pickup that hasn't been used since his last senate campaign. I bet she looks better in jeans than he does. Did I mention she was HOT?

I hope she is well travelled and has just a little bit of the internationalist about her. I hope she understands a little about European politics and helps old Fred with pronouncing their names. I hope she knows that Shiite is not something Fred yells when he hits his thumb with a hammer and Sunni has nothing whatever to do with the weather. The bar is low here, an IQ above room temperature would be an improvement over the present occupants of the White House.

I'm going to treat this lady with all the respect I can muster. This has all been said in jest, mostly. Now let me get to the point here.

Before all of you right-wingers out there already offended that this lady is not being treated with respect, let me give you two words: Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton was treated disgracefully when she was First Lady. She was the wife of the President of the United States and she was called names that were contemptible. Nothing was held back, the right wing media totally lost their minds. She is someone's wife and mother and is due that much respect.

You won't hear any words like that aimed at Mrs. Thompson on this blog. You'll hear them though. If old Fred gets the nomination the gloves will come off. When you feel yourself getting all wrapped up in good old fashioned right-wing indignation just remember those two words: Hillary Clinton.

Jim Martin

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