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A Home without Chaos

In the Rose Garden

Some days I sense enough anxiety that I feel as if it will choke the life out of me. But this is what slows me down. This is what stops my busyness and takes me to a precious state of contented weariness.

It makes me yearn for a life of peace and happiness.  And this anxiety helps make it happen.

Grandfathers and Grandmothers who have slowed down, and keep to a home routine are the most peaceful people I know.  They have lived long lives and have experienced many things. Very few things surprise or startle them anymore.  They smile knowingly and have the greatest amount of patience in anyone I've ever seen.

The home routine of the elderly goes at a slower pace.  They are not rushing off to this event or that one.  They have homes without chaos.  This may seem difficult to replicate when there are little ones and teenagers with so many needs, but it can happen.  It comes from the heart.

I have cut back on so many things that there is much time for leisure.  This time of leisure makes me patient and loving and able to endure many things. 

Those around us may have trials and troubles, but Mother's presence calms and soothes it all.

 To have a home without chaos does not mean there is no trouble, for that would be a lonely, solitary place with no residents.  This home I speak of, the peaceful home, comes from a soul weary mother who is heartsick for heaven.  There is a joy in her demeanor that quiets onlookers. 

Modern day troubles are nothing to her, because they are nothing to her God.  She knows who is sovereign over all. She has great faith that He is in control. Why should she fret?

 Her heartsickness makes her talk of the great journey she is slowing taking towards her eternal home. Why should she be caught up in the trials of this life?  Her King will take care of that.   

A precious, peaceful home is a state of mind.  It is deliberate, but takes much effort.   It can happen for those who are weary of this world's game.  It starts with a mother of great faith, who knows to whom she belongs.

Do you see that heavenly light in the window?  Do you see the peace and warmth in Mother?  She is the keeper of the home without chaos.  All who enter her house, despite what they see before them, are quickly comforted by the welcome of the heaven-bound mother.

Mrs. White

Home Memories - Security of Home Routines.

A Slow and Simple Life - How a Housewife Passes the Time.

A Peaceful Place  - A Special Kind of Home.

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