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No Title, because nothing comes to mind ☺

Let's start again.

I had several paragraphs written 
then it disappeared!
What in the world??

as I was saying....
Had a busier week with several appointments
(Ellen had 2, I had a haircut)
And I had 2 days of child care.

(I said it better than that but I'm a bit annoyed now, haha)

Last week we had a big snow.
It started to warm up as the weekend approached.
On Friday afternoon we still had a nice amount of snow in our yard.

This picture was taken Saturday morning...

Where did it all go??

It was so warm overnight that it all disappeared.
We had a beautiful Saturday and Sunday.

LOVE a warm up during the winter!

This kid just cracks me up sometimes.
He worked hard to drag his huge bear up the stairs!

I didn't think he could do it.
He proved me wrong!

Sunday we had our last Christmas dinner for this year.
Hubby's family gathered at his sister Nancy's house.

There was also another table of people
and three tables of food!
Yes, three tables of food!

Aunt Nancy gets gifts for the younger kids.
The youngest ones are my grandchildren.
I delight in watching them enjoy this special day!

Ellen is an adult...
but sorta a child too.
I don't mean that disrespectfully.
(Ellen is intellectually challenged, 
a delightful forever young lady!)
Her Aunt Nancy gets her a gift too
and she is pleased as punch!

Nancy knows what she likes...
PB cups, Twin Kiss gift card, 
and a small resin cat to put in her bedroom!

Yesterday Noah needed something special to do.
Mommy was at work 
and he doesn't have preschool for a couple of weeks.

What to do that's special?

Bake a cake, of course!

He did the measuring for most of the ingredients.
It didn't all get into the cake ☺

All ready for the oven!

Then he helped make the icing.

Next was the really fun part...
icing and decorating!

We loved your cake, Noah!

Today it's really cold.
Tomorrow it's to snow, then a mix and maybe rain too. 
Sounds yucky and messy!

I'm watching the movie, Pollyanna, as I write this.

We just got Disney plus....
and I'm loving these old movies!!

Till next time, 
take care!
Stay warm ☺

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