I have got this far with the TIF challenge, collected some fabrics and fused them together.
Now to do some stitching and adding on and see what comes out at the end.
It is not going well as I have to keep on changing my mind but I think it will work in the end.
Very hot today and will be worse tomorrow.
I have discovered that my painting classes are not next week but the one after and I have some supplies to get, so I will have to change hair appointments.
In to get the mail after throwing almost all my stash on the floor, and I havent picked it up yet, I suddenly feel awfully tired.
I was up at 6.30 this morning walking, I do wonder if my eyes are ok as I could have sworn I saw 3 cows in the paddock I was walking in, it turned out to be 3 females and 4 huge male kangaroos trying to mate with the females.
It was a beautiful morning but today is not so good, tomorrow looks like being worse so I am glad I have some handstitching to do next to the fan.
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