- Giants robots fighting each other = Awesome
- Everything else = not so much

So if that were the only problem, things would be fine. I mean, stuff DOES blow up real good, and when you can understand the fighting (like the incredible fight scene in a forest), it's, well... breathtaking. But apparently Bay and his cadre of writers wanted to be sure they injected enough sophomoric humor that everyone's IQ would diminish just a little bit more. It was hard enough to swallow Jazz's break dance move from the first movie - here we have, among other offenders in poor taste:
- A tiny, Joe Pesci robot that humps legs
- An evil appliance transformer that shoots bullets out of an erect phallus equal in size to his height
- Two good robots who are either in black face or doing a really bad ghetto stereotype
- A robot with massive testicles, and finally...
- Multiple robots farting
Make of that what you will. And now, because I can...

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