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Weekend and white lace....

The skies are blue and the clouds look like white cotton balls...
it's a gorgeous day for a brisk walk around the seafront.

Weekends are so precious.
If you work hard all week you might agree!

Before I started on this weight loss journey I was exhausted and slept in late on Saturdays and Sundays
lazed around in my robe...often until almost noon!
One change that I have noticed since joining Weight Watchers is that I have oodles of energy.
(it might be all the fresh fruits and veggies I am eating)

Last week at my weigh in I was down another 3 pounds.
I am seriously excited about the program.
It really does work if you don't cheat!
I thought my weigh in might be like the previous week where I had a half pound down as I really had not eaten much different than I did the prior week...if anything I had eaten a bit more. Still within my points allowance but I needed a wee afternoon snack around 4 pm with my cup of tea most days.

So I am encouraged and feel motivated to keep going...

Do you love blue and white?
There is something so crisp and clean about that colour combination.
I never tire of it.

My brain needs exercise too!
The Harumi Ota porcelain bowl is one of three that I own
this one is the smallest...
A long rectangular serving tray is at the Gallery in Oak Bay 
I have thought about it for several weeks now
 perhaps my next non food treat.

I love this almond milk cream...
it smells lovely and hydrates even the driest skin.
I use it after shaving my legs and slather it on my feet before putting my walking socks on...
my feet get a little pampering while they do the walking.

Our clematis is putting on quite a show in the garden.
The bees love it.
With so many blooms I am tempted to pick one and float it in a silver bowl.
It might be just too tempting for the cats though...they play with and rearrange all my bouquets.

This week I treated myself to a non food reward for my 10 pound loss.

It's a wee bit of lace and white...
a pretty little top that I will enjoy wearing for the summer season.

sheer sleeves

looks a bit retro
reminiscent of the "London Look" when Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton were modeling.
You know what they say...
everything comes around again.

There is a pair of tan capris' hanging in my closet that I will pair with this top.
and the new sandals from last weekend will complete the look.

Next time I get my toes painted I think I'll choose a bronze or gold shade of polish 
and bring out some of my gold jewelery which has been in hiding for the winter.
Gold looks so much better when one has a bit of colour...
silver seems to go better with my pale winter skin.

Do you have different jewelry for winter and summer?
Do you opt for fun faux, vintage or ethnic, or classic designer pieces?
~ ~ ~

This sapphire and diamond deco ring has been getting some wear this week.
Vintage pieces are often a great value.
I think you get more bling for your buck.
It's such fun shopping in antique shops for different and unusual gems.
Often they have layaway.

If you are fortunate you may have an elderly friend or family member who has left you a treasure...
make sure that the stones are secure and have it appraised...
before you start wearing it
you might be surprised how valuable it is.

Have some fun this weekend
and don't forget to be kind to others.

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