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Before I talk about my weekend, I'd like to thank you for the lovely comments on my last post.  This little blogging community brings all of us closer together and I treasure your visits here.  I'm glad I'm not alone peeking into windows :)

Today, I'm trying hard not to hate on summer.  I'm wilting before your eyes!  I took a walk with Frodo at 9:30 a.m. believing the weather was truly 70 degrees.  Well, well, well.....the humidity at the time was 85% (this is why I hate summer).  Once I returned home, I complained to my sister which I'm sure was tiring to hear.

Then I cut my bangs and instantly I felt better.

My liatris is blooming!  I appreciate when plants grow without any help from humans. This perennial  loves where it blooms.  I love that it attracts lots of bees and butterflies and this hummingbird moth.

Yesterday on our daily walk, we saw the blue heron, you'll have to use your imagination of what he looked like because I didn't get a photo.  He shows up at the duck pond every year mid to late July.

Over the weekend,  I knit quite a bit on a shawl and the blanket.  Yes!  The blanket is a 10 stitch blanket and soon I shall be done.  I'm getting excited to get those needles back because three years is a bit much.

hey look a pepper!

My weekend:

-daily walks - deer sightings - chocolate chip cookies - big salads - Saturday night Mass - journal writing - talking to the kids - cherries - saving frogs from the pool - frisbee tossing with Frodo

How was your weekend?

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