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A Retreating I Will Go

First off, I think those drugs the doc gave me for my allergies are working. At least I’m sleeping better (I’ll blame that on the Zyrtec). Oh yeah, I’m coughing less, too. Not finished coughing, mind you, just coughing less. Well… he did say it might take a few days for the drugs to kick in.

Today I leave for a writers retreat. I’ll be staying in a cabin with 12 other women in Hocking Hills. I anticipate lots of time to write (or in my case, re-write) and chat with fellow writers. I’ll come home on Sunday and then head on out for a Dragons game (our first for the season). I just hope it’s not cold. The temps have been kind of screwy (but it’s April, what did I expect??). Did you see it snowed at some baseball games the other day? I don’t want THAT to happen to me. I won’t stay for the game, that’s for sure. I may love baseball, but not that much.

The re-drafting is going well. I keep getting stuck at parts that need a major overhaul, but that’s only because it usually requires a lot of thinking and sometimes I’m slow at thinking. I’m trying to continue to treat this as a first draft, so I try not to worry about the telling. I’ll beef that up once I finish the darn thing. I am seeing the end in sight. That’s good, right?

Not sure if I’ll have phone service where I’m going. I think I’ll need that to turn on my hot spot so I can get to the Internet with my laptop (I’m still hosting the Sizzle and Sass Page through Saturday, so I kind of need to be available). Don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t get the hot spot to work. Guess no one will hear from me, then!

So…Got any big plans this weekend? I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the Penguins. Almost kind of glad I won’t be able to watch the game. I’d rather be happy seeing them win on my phone than seeing the Rangers celebrate on TV. No, I do NOT want to see that.

Have a good one!


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