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To my gracious readers, far and wide...

The manger scene at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Aylmer, ON
(this is actually the 2011 version, but the 2012 is the same.)
My wife, Beth, made the figures with her skill at crochet. The usual charcters are present - with a few guests:
the tonsured red-head on the left is Francis of Assisi who made the first Christmas Creche. Dead center is "Die
Weihnachtsmaus" -the Christmas Mouse- who is always blamed for eating Christmas treats early. The figure in
the black beret on the far right is Martin Luther who was insturmental in many of our Christmas customs.
Next to him is Chris-moose; friendsof ours in the USA said we could never have a manger scene in Canada
without a moose!
I wish all who read these poor words a very happy and blessed Christmas season and the best new year possible. If you do not celebrate the festival of Christmas, I still wish you the best of the season as you keep your festivals and a good new year.

For all of you, I wish you peace.

What's that you say? You need more nutrolls? Well, here!

See  you all in the new year!

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